Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 9 - Sunday, April 26th 2015

We gathered in the lobby this morning for a quick grab & go breakfast before we loaded the bus one last time.  It was bittersweet by many as we were exhausted from all that we did the last last 9 days and ready to be back in our own beds, yet didn’t want to leave the experiences we had and the country we grew to love.  We were excited to see family & friends and try to put into words all that we saw, learned, laughed about, and accomplished yet we knew we would miss being with the people who experienced this with us.  Many new friendships were made and others were strengthened through this wonderful journey together.  We arrived at the airport, got all checked in, did one last round of souvenir shopping while waiting for our flight, then boarded flight 007 bound for Los Angeles.

All checked in and ready

Our plane

Boarded and ready

 Our table trays are stowed and our seats are in their upright position. We are ready for takeoff. Not just in the physical sense; we are ready now to take all that we have discovered and experienced and soar. We have traversed this country from its northern most part as it abuts Scotland to the south in London. We have walked over sixty miles and climbed an average of thirteen stories a day. But far more territory has been covered in our hearts and minds. Relationally, we have cultivated the deep and abiding roots of lifetime friendships; academically, we have been stretched in our understanding, released from the limiting confines of the classroom; spiritually, we have seen error and embraced the Truth we know. We also have seen our own sinful proclivities when pressed and tired. We rejoice in our confidence in the Gospel and know that man's best attempts to acquire knowledge, be entertained, or set up protocol and policies- all of it submits to our Sovereign.
For eight months our students have read novels and sat through lectures about this country and its inhabitants. The last nine days we have allowed the country to speak for itself. There is inherent risk in that, I'm aware. But what joy we had to see our students hold fast to the Truth.
Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement and thank you even more for  coming along this journey with us!! We close this chapter together and look forward to opening a new book together perhaps next year!

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