Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 6 - Friday, April 22nd 2016

This is the final leg of our journey by bus - London. We travel along the last of the vast green lands and head to Stonehenge.

Beautiful Scenery as we left Bath

These first few miles outside of Bath on the way to London is some of the most beautiful land you'll ever see.  Sheep were everywhere and we loved to see them wherever we went.

A "castle" house we passed outside of Bath... I could live here!

It's one of those wonders of the world where they're not quite sure how it was placed there or for what reasons. It's all speculation through some scientific studying.
Thank God our faith is nothing like that, although, some people think of it that way.
Considering everything we saw in a pastoral setting mixed with much history that dates back way further than anything in the U.S., our eyes, ears, hearts and minds are full and blessed.

Stonehenge is often thought of as a place where strange pagan practices occurred, and as a Christian it grieves your spirit. You definitely come across this now and again when studying history with places and things. When we went to the Roman Baths we saw statues and artifacts proving there was false worship, as well as sacrifices being made to false gods. You pause to consider  how powerful the Romans were at one time in this world. One would have thought they nearly had world domination, yet they were also false god worshippers, therefore, their powerful reign had to come to an end.

These lovely fields of yellow flowers graced us with their beauty wherever we traveled
Stonehenge rocks

It was a cold, rainy, windy day but we bundled up to see the stones

But a little rain never stops a jumping picture!

We even had a little photo fun!

Those Chazz workouts are paying off!
Who says Brooke is little?

Entering London, we will be much closer to a hub where we are much nearer to issues of big conflicts in the world. The non-God loving ways of the world are prominent and in your face inside a big city.
It's my prayer as we enter that we would be like Mathew 10:16 - wise as serpents, innocent as doves. This means we need to have wisdom in this big city while keeping our fruit of Christian gentleness around those whom we encounter.
Once in London, we checked into the Marriott County Hall and dropped off our luggage.  From there we hopped on a ferry up the Thames river and headed to the Tower of London, a famous prison that also looks like a castle.  We spent several hours exploring different towers such as the bloody tower, bell tower, wardrobe tower, and the Queen's house.  We also went in to see where they keep the Crown Jewels and saw many pieces of armory used in that day.

Our Home for the next 3 nights...The County Hall Marriott

Taking the Ferry, trying to convince Kendra it was a smooth ride

Riding up the Thames River to the Tower of London
One of the Towers
Marching in for a "changing of the guard"

The White Tower, built in 1078, was the original tower with the surrounding moat, was built as a royal residence and was also used as a prison

The changing of the guard
Armour housed in the Tower

Going to see the Crown Jewels... they're so excited!

Happy Boys!!

I think they are a little tired!
Lovely ladies in front of the Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

We ended our first day in London with a brisk night walk in the rain, huddled under umbrellas, headed towards the West End Theatre District to have dinner and take in a live performance of "The Lion King." It was many of our student's first time seeing a professional production of this level, and they loved it!

A chance to check wifi before our appetizers came out, followed by a nice dinner and then dessert.

The beautiful Lyceum Theatre

Figuring out where everyone was going to sit
We all sat together in a block to watch the show

We had a great view of one of the percussionists

Ready for the show to begin! It was amazing and everyone really enjoyed it!

It was a rainy walk back to the hotel but nobody minded. The city of London at night, with all the buildings lit up, was a beautiful sight for us all to take in. 

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